Battery Boost Shield MIKROe

Battery Boost Shield MIKROe

Battery Boost Shield MIKROe
Key features:
MCP1640 Step-up DC/DC Regulator
Prototyping area can be used for placing additional components
Additional connection pins for easier and cleaner connections.
Power jumper as an ON/OFF switch

Operating Voltage:
Board provides 4.0V power supply for mikromedia board. If you want to use 3.3V power supply pads, shield must be connected to mikromedia board.

Key Benefits:
Compatible with all mikromedia boards (PIC18FJ, PIC24, dsPIC33, PIC32).
Simple integration using provided male and female 1x26 connectors.
With battery boost shield, your mikromedia board gets the wings it deserves. Two AAA batteries are all it takes to bring mobility to your favorite multimedia board.

Udgår af varesortiment
25,00 / v. antal 1
Alle priser er DKK excl. moms
V. antal Pris DKK
1 25,00
Lager Fjernlager
Producent varenummer: MIKROE-712

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